About Us

The Resource Information Committee was established more than two decades ago to develop a system to provide local residents with resource information across the lifespan. A great deal has changed since we began this journey. Gone are the days of 500 page binders that required hundreds and hundreds of hours to compile, type, print, assemble and distribute to 2-300 organizations…Working with others in the community, today the committee distributes a resource page to each of the 10,800 household in Waushara County! The familiar bright yellow guide is published early each year, delivered to homes via the Waushara Resorter, the area’s free local newspaper.

The committee also coordinates walking resource fairs and publishes pocket resource cards in English and Spanish designed to fit easily in a billfold or purse. Pocket resource cards are distributed in passive locations throughout the county and used by area resource providers to share information with families they serve.

In 2012, the committee first released a new publication, “Help for Hard Times”, a guide specifically designed for individuals and families who are struggling financially and continue our efforts to expand access to this information electronically. This guide continues to be published every 2 years.