Healthy Communities Healthy Youth
February 14, 2017
Meeting Notes
Attendance: Auttum Powell, Brianna Kulibert, Cherie Bunde, Jamie Koehler, Jeff Kasuboski, Josh Denk, Kyle Tarr, Lara Nugent, Peggy VanderSande, Sandi Jarvis, Tony Marinack, Amanda Prodell, Mary LaBlanc
Mary called the meeting to order at 1:20pm
Introductions were made and new members welcomed.
Mary gave updates from the Northwoods Coalition and the Alliance for WI Youth meetings she attended:
Alliance Report- New grants coming out that we can apply for with things we are already doing (DARE, PWHLTM, Prime for Life). Summit is May 1-2 can take up to 2 adults (suggested Auttum Powell and someone else) and 4 Youth (suggested one from each school possibly 2 from Wautoma). Something’s that the youth can come back to do- fair booth, present to service groups, Anti-drinking, post prom. March 1st the deadline for applications. Please email Auttum ( or Mary (
Northwoods Report- Mary Handed out some training information.
Health Dept. Update- Josh updated that they hired a new Health Educator, Brenna Root. Also they are doing a parenting class through strengthening families held at Parkside starting February 16th.
Law Enforcement Update- Kyle updated on the trends of controlled substances. The popular one used to be Heroin now it’s Meth. Meth has a cat urine small, and if kids are around it while it’s cooking they may have burns on them. The police departments started the Click It or Ticket campaign for seatbelt violations. They have found that children aren’t buckled in their car seats correctly. “Pink” opiot has been found in the Valley it is 8x Potent as Heroin.
Budget Report – Copies of the budget were handed out.
Founding Request- Mary reported that there are issues with the website and not sending the request to her. She asked if anyone had any requests to please send her an email directly. WASD- Tony Marinack motioned, Peggy VanderSande second Approved.
Tony Marinack talked about their family reading night, it was a success. Everyone enjoyed the juggler.
Post Prom request – Brianna Kulibert motion to donate $200 to each school, Lara Nugent second, Approved.
YRBS– Needs to be taken anytime between March 6th-April 17th
Spring FACTS- “scavengers” Sandi Jarvis shared, costs $650- can promote through news release and radio, could have someone speak on how it affects the kids as they grow up. Jamie Koehler, Lara Nugent, Mary LaBlanc to preview the movie. Potential date for FACTS April 24th. Tony Marinack motioned to pay all costs, Brianna Kulibert second, Approved.
Peggy VanderSande suggested she can open the farm up to families to come take a tour of it after the Spring FACTS.
Next Meeting- April is upstairs, the June meeting is Canceled.
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