Waushara Prevention Council, Inc.
Meeting Minutes January 3, 2017
Attendance: Auttum Powell, Jan Novak, MaryAnn Schilling, Mary LaBlanc, Jill Wilbert, Peggy Vander Sande, Kelsie Oswald, Taylor Engelke
Meeting called to order at 12:35 by Jan Novak
Motion to approve minutes and agenda as published Mary LaBlanc, second Jill Wilbert. Motion carried unanimously.
Financial Report: Discussion concerning availability of groups/organizations to request funding from WPC. Review of by-laws. WPC committees may request financial assistance to accomplish committee goals using General Fund Request (Schedule II of By-Laws)
Correspondence: None
Business After 5: See new business
New Business:
Election of Officers: Motion to approve officer ballot MaryAnn Schilling, second Peggy Vander Sande. Motion carried unanimously. Officers (two-year terms):
- Co-Chairs: Mary LaBlanc & Jill Wilbert
- Secretary: Auttum Powell
- Member at Large MaryAnn Schilling
Business After 5-
WPC will be a host in the January 24, 2017 Business After Five for small business/non-profit Chamber members. Display board will showcase committees and WPC projects. Suggest including additional pictures of community gardens, backpack program, FACTS events, etc. Committees should send pictures to Auttum. Mary LaBlanc and Jill Wilbert will set up at 3:30pm. Peggy Vander Sande will donate a certificate for 1 hour Equine Growth & Learning Session at Living Anew Farm for a BA5 door prize. Jan, Mary and Auttum will represent the Council.
Prev. Pointers –
Beginning January 2017, the Resorter will publish on Tuesdays. Deadline will be Thursdays by 4:30pm
- 1/3 Human Trafficking – Mary LaBlanc
- 1/10 Same
- 1/17 Same
- 1/24 Same
- 1/31 Same
- 2/7 Credit Scores – MaryAnn Schilling
- 2/14 Teen Dating – Jill Wilbert
- 2/21 Heart Health – Taylor Engelke
- 2/28 Fitness Flurry – Taylor Engelke
- 2/7 VITA – TBD
- 2/14 Blue Ribbon Kid’s Day – Jan Novak
Plunge Into Waushara County Economics–
The Wild Rose ThedaCare CHAT (Community Health Action Team) identified poverty as its #1 community concern and is coordinating a day-long plunge into the topic. The Plunge will take place on January 25, 2017. Contact Kaye Thompson at kaye.thompson@thedacare.org to register. Participants will meet in Wild Rose at 8am and travel together via school bus to several locations in Waushara County to discover the impact of poverty on area individuals and groups. The Plunge will include a Poverty Simulation and visit to the Waushara Food Pantry. Volunteers are needed for the Poverty Simulation. Please contact Kaye if you are available!
Membership Agreements:
Reviewed member responsibilities /benefits and entered agreements for 2017. Discussion included requirement of minimal volunteer contributions as a member responsibility – tabled for review of By-laws.
Committee Reports:
Members pleased to see Health Community/Healthy Youth addressing Human Trafficking.
Old business
Annual Meeting –
Members like the format of the annual meeting – review of committee activities/goals and table top discussion. Better time management for presentations. Begin presentations during luncheon. Committee reports would benefit from visuals. Suggest committees prepare 2-3 slides for a PowerPoint.
Planning for next annual meeting should consider feedback received from those who attended the meetings.
** Need to send follow up with those who attended to share feedback regarding the meeting and impact**
Member Announcements
Future agenda items
- Recruitment of additional Partner members/Engaging community/Facilitating active members
- Development of “Roll Up Your Sleeves” list to identify members and other volunteers willing to assist with short-term commitments
- Developing joint activity calendar to identify volunteer activities
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