Welcome to the Delinquency Prevention Planning Board Website

“If all children had a safe harbor – none would be at risk”

The Delinquency Prevention Planning Board was established in 2001. Concerned with risk factors that influence juvenile crime, the board meets several times each year to review information and trends that could have a negative influence on Waushara County youth, resulting in school truancy and referrals to law enforcement. The board also considers protective factors that support positive youth development. Making protective factors available to community youth prevents youthful law violations and other risky youth behaviors. Some of the most effective prevention programs include services to young children and parents.

Risk factors that contribute to delinquency include: poverty, academic failure and poor school attendance, lack of positive adult relationships, absence of safe/structured youth activities, child abuse or neglect, alcohol/drug abuse or addiction of child or parent; parent or child mental health issues; domestic violence and strained parent-child relationships and ineffective parenting practices.

We believe all children matter. In the State of Wisconsin youth ages 10-16 years of age may be referred for Juvenile Court intervention. The board offers a forum for schools, law enforcement, the courts, service providers and community members to share successes, respond to current trends, work together to prevent delinquency and discuss effective intervention responsibilities and services when delinquency occurs.

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