Do you have a child with a diagnosed or suspected disability? Are you caring for both a child and an adult dependent?

The Families First Community Based Services for Families Program was established to offer support to families struggling to meet the needs of an aging family member and/or a dependent that has a suspected or diagnosed physical, emotional or developmental disability. … Continued

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If you are caring for the child of a relative or knows someone who is, the Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) is there to help.  Waushara County’s RAPP offers educational, supportive and recreational opportunities to relative caregivers and the children … Continued

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Grace UMC offers help for your food budget

Grace United Methodist Church offers a way to save money on your food budget!  Angel Food Ministries buys a variety of fresh food in bulk and sells it in prepackaged boxes once a month at a savings of over 50%. … Continued

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Backpacks stuffed with school supplies for Waushara County Children Back to School Bash expects to serve close to 500 children on August 14th, 2010

Remember feeling excited, nervous and maybe even a little scared about starting the new school year? Well, it’s that time of year again! And parents, children and teachers all over Waushara County are starting to think about purchasing all those … Continued

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Waushara County Promotes Fairness, Dignity & Respect for Victims of Crime During 2010 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week

Only a few decades ago, unfairness, indignities, and disrespect confronted many victims of crime.  Victims of Crime in America, the 1984 report of the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime, described the indifference to victims’ needs and the focus … Continued

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