5/3/16 Minutes

Waushara Prevention Council, Inc. Meeting Minutes                                                                     May 3rd, 2016

Present:  Trevor Cooper; AmeriCorps, Ashley Rome; Health Department, MaryAnn Schilling; UW-Extension, Mary LaBlanc; DHS, Jan Novak; DHS, Judy Meier; Community Member, Jill Wilbert; CAP Services, Amanda Kutcher; ADRC.

Network and Share Time.

Meeting called to order at 12:36pm.


Approval of Minutes and Agenda: Jill Wilbert motions to approve agenda and minutes, and Mary LaBlanc seconds. All in favor, motion carries.


Financial Report: HCHY increase from DHS reimbursement. Resource committee used all funds for the printing of pocket resource cards, and will be coming to the council next year to ask for funds ($200.00) to print next year’s pocket resource cards. Taxes were completed in May and are in the mail.


Approval of Financial Report: Judy Meier motions to approve financial report, and Trevor Cooper seconds. All in favor, motion carries.


Correspondence/ Chamber News: No correspondence or chamber news.

Business After Five: Next Business After Five is Thursday May 19th at Mount Morris Camp and Conference Center. MaryAnn Schilling and Mary LaBlanc will consider attending this event.


New Business:

  1. Annual Report Review:

-Jan Novak asks that the council consider the reports to be a draft that needs to be reviewed before it is released. The council looked through the report and was able to point out some errors that need to be corrected. Jan and Eli Ashley will work on correcting the errors.

-The report will be sent out to schools and community organizations. Jan will send an email to committee members with the report and who it was shared with.

  1. Freedom Fest:

-Freedom Fest will be Saturday July 2nd at the Waushara County Fairgrounds. This is the Waushara Prevention Council’s single fundraiser of the year. Volunteers greet people attending the fireworks and ask for donations. This year we may consider having a volunteer ask for donations as people are leaving the event as well. Last year the council collected $1567.00 in donations at Freedom Fest.

-Hans and his volunteers will be at the main gate. Jill may be able to help along with her children.

-There are 3 other spots available that need to be filled from 4:30pm until the fireworks start.

-Jan will send an email to committee members to see if anyone is available to help.

-The chamber is also raising money at the Brat Barns during the month of June. Information about this was passed around.

  1. AmeriCorps Member 2016-2017 Service Year:

-Our application for next year’s AmeriCorps member was accepted by Marshfield Clinic. There are some differences in the program this year. Only 70 AmeriCorps slots are available, on a first come, first serve basis. Just because we were awarded a member for next year does not mean we will get one.

-The AmeriCorps member needs to be at least 21 years old, have personality skills, and be able to pass a background check. No education is required. A job posting has been sent to the paper, and Mary hopes to be able to put the posting on the Chamber website. Members are asked to help spread the word about this position.

  1. Prevention Pointers:

-May 27th: Summer Child Care (Kelly)

-June 3rd: Ticks/ Lyme’s disease (Health Department)

-June 10th: AmeriCorps Member (Eli and Mary)

-June 17th: New childcare referral system (Kelly)

-June 24th: Food Connections/Farm Stands (Patrick)

-July 1st: Firework Safety (EMS or Fire Department?)

-July 8th: Health Department (Trevor)

-Please email any future Prevention Pointer ideas to Amanda Kutcher.


Committee Reports: No questions or comments about committee reports. Mary noted that so far 11 people and 2 legislators are signed up for the Legislative Breakfast.


Old Business:

  1. Marketing Strategies:

-Brochures made by Eli Ashley for the Council and it’s committees were passed out. Extra copies were given to members to share with the community. Eli Ashley will be placing these brochures in the Chamber kiosks in Wautoma and Plainfield, and also in the WWII building.

-Radio Public Service Announcements were also done promoting the Prevention Council during volunteer week in April.

-Jan presented the possibility of having WPC t-shirts made for council members to wear at events, and also about having a banner made. Jan is in the process of trying to find someone to remake our logo so it is a better quality image that can be blown up on things like a banner.

-Committees will also have a Prevention Pointer article twice a year to promote their committee. Vision 2020 is currently holding off on doing in article because they are rethinking some of the language they use.


Member Announcements:

-The Adams County Electric Cooperative recently sent out a survey to 4500+ households to get information about the needs of people 55-60+ years old in the county. They are currently discussing what the next step will be, and are considering having a meeting with community members to present their results and discuss what the next steps will be. They are thinking about having a lunch sometime in June. The highest needs identified are: home repairs for the elderly and exercise classes. Members of the Active Aging and Vision 2020 committees may want to be involved in this discussion.

-UW-Extension has the results from their needs assessment, and will be putting the information out on Facebook. They had very little participation from the under 40 age group.

-The health department is still compiling the results from their needs assessment.

-Judy Meier-Humor.


Future Agenda Items: Email Jan with any future agenda items.


Next Meeting: Tuesday July 5th, 2016


Meeting adjourned at 1:55pm.


Submitted by Eli Ashley

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