Waushara Prevention Council, Inc. Meeting Minutes
March 1st, 2016
Present: Trevor Cooper; AmeriCorps, Amanda Kutcher; ADRC, Jill Wilbert; CAP Services, Kelsie Oswald; Upward Bound, Eli Ashley; AmeriCorps, Judy Meier; Community Member; MaryAnn Schilling; UW Extension, Kelly Borchardt; Childcaring Inc.
Network and Share Time.
Meeting called to order at 12:37pm. Introductions were done.
Approval of Minutes: Eli Ashley motions to approve agenda and minutes, and Jill Wilbert seconds. All in favor, motion carries.
Approval of Agenda: Jill Wilbert motions to approve agenda and minutes, and Judy Meier seconds. All in favor, motion carries.
Financial Report: Financial report is updated with 2016 info. HCHY increase due to AmeriCorps member reimbursement. Resource directory now published online and available on the WPC website.
-Next Business after 5 will be on Tuesday March 15th at Wausau Homes.
New Business:
- Annual Report Review:
-Annual Report is not completed, look for it at the next meeting.
- Marketing and Member Recruitment:
-Brochures for the Waushara Prevention Council have been made. These were passed out to members. Members noted that they would like more copies at the next meeting to hand out to people interested in joining.
-Talked about member recruitment, Eli will talk to committees about recruiting community members who may be a good fit. The council would like to see better representation from law enforcement, and possibly someone from ThedaCare. It was also noted that GUMC Pastor Domnik Israel will be retiring soon.
- Prevention Pointers:
March 11: Healthy Babies Coalition Summit
March 18: Depression in Older Adults
March 25: Active Aging Update
April 1: Skin Cancer Awareness (Trevor)
April 8: Volunteer Week (Eli)
April 15: Week of the Young Child (Kelly)
April 22: Money Smart Week (Mary Ann)
April 29: Stress Awareness (Trevor)
May 6: Health Department (Trevor)
May 13: PWHLTM/ teen drinking (Eli)
May 20: Upward Bound Summer Programs (Kelsie)
Committee Reports:
-Active Aging: ADRC website will soon have more community event information available. The committee will also start working on the trails assessment in May.
-Healthy Communities Healthy Youth: FACTS supper coming up on April 18th. Flyers were handed out.
-Vision 2020: Workgroup met last week to talk about re-framing the language the committee uses. Working on trying to get an EBT machine at local farm stands.
-Literacy: Mary Ann is working to try to identify who needs help and is not getting it. She would like to try partnering with someone in the banking industry.
Old Business:
- Committee Priorities for 2016:
-Committees discussed 2016 priorities in last month’s meetings.
- Business After 5 Report:
-Eli, Mary, and Jan attended the Business After 5 event for small businesses at the WWII building on February 16th. The council was able to network with other professionals, and handed out information about our programs and committees.
- Website Updates:
-Website is now updated. A website updating guide was also made so that members can continue to keep the website updated after Eli’s term of service is over.
Open Forum:
- Member Announcements:
-Judy: 100,000 additional people dropped below the poverty line in 2015.
-Mary Ann: Need a representative for Freedom Fest, and someone to attend the next meeting on March 14th at 12:00pm in the WWII building. Discussion as to whether Hans is still available to help with this event. It was also brought up that maybe Katie Peterson with the JOBS program could help.
-Kelly: Was wondering if the Healthy Babies Coalition Summit flyers were send out to daycare providers, Eli will ask Mary about this.
There will be a training on Discovering Science at Little Sprouts on May 4th.
Number of childcare providers in the county has dropped 30% since 2010. We now have only 19 regulated providers. We lost some family providers in Neshkoro and Coloma as well. Only 12 of the family providers in our county take advantage of a consultation on quality that would qualify them to receive grant money. The Wisconsin Shares program will now have an EBT card for childcare support, and it will now be an option to pay by phone or online. This will help providers as they will now be paid ahead of time.
-Kelsie: Upward Bound Summer Program starts June 20th. The six week residential program will have 20 youth from Waushara and Marquette counties.
Future Agenda Items:
- Annual Report
- Freedom Fest
-Email Jan with any additional future agenda items.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday May 3rd, 2016. CAP Services Conference room B, 12:30pm-2:00pm.
Trevor motions to adjourn meeting, Judy seconds. All in favor, motion carries.
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